Electrification Data

Powering your data with value

Data Management

Using the most up-to-date Data Management best practices, we want to empower your company to convert data into business value.

In terms of technology, we are experts in SAS(r) and in Microsoft Azure, including Databricks, Azure Data Factory and Power BI.


If your company is looking for professionals that can do:

SAS platform modernization

SAS integration with Azure

SAS 9.4 migration to SAS Viya

SAS migration to Azure

Data Management strategies


Get in touch with us: marketing@electrification.be


On top of Data, we are also passionate about electric vehicles and other non-carbon based fuels.

As a Tesla owner and enthusiast, our founder is passionate about exploring the intersection of data and electric vehicles. As a special treat, he’s even sharing his Tesla Referral Program code with you at https://ts.la/fernando287481, so you can see firsthand how data powers the driving experience of one of the world’s most innovative vehicles.

Changing future

We believe that, as we cannot go back and change the past, we can start now and have a better future. A future only not for us, but to the next generations.

We are one single world. Everything impacts everything else, so let's build our future, now!


https://www.lws.fr/ -> Coupon code: CP214